Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk
Targ Węglowy 6, 80-836 Gdańsk
NIP: 583 000 93 46, REGON: 000275820
+48 58 301 28 01,
Head of the Department of Design: dr Tomasz Kwiatkowski
The Department of Design has been operating continuously since the academic year 1964/1965. It was founded by Professor Adam Haupt as the Department of Ship and Industrial Form Architecture Design. The current programme is a continuation and development of the original educational tenets, in terms of knowledge and methodology, enabling independent development and adaptation to changing conditions.
Design is a creative activity consisting in developing desirable – from the point of view of comprehensively understood human needs – features of objects, spaces, processes and their systems. Design focuses (although not exclusively) on semantic, formal and functional features.
The violence and scale of technological, economic, social and cultural changes force us to define an educational model that prepares future designers for today’s unknown and unpredictable challenges. The basic elements of such a model are: knowledge of man as the addressee of the designed solutions and knowledge of the creative and cognitive processes that constitute the essence of design.
The programme of the Department of Design is to build and transfer knowledge resources that enable and support effective and responsible design. Effective, understood as bringing optimal results in a given time. Responsible, understood as conscious and practical.
Design is the profession of the future. The programme carried out at the Department of Design builds the foundations for the professional formation of staff for creative industries operating at the interface of culture and technology. At the same time, the ability to define problems and manage the process of solving them (design thinking) enables graduates to perform key functions in creative teams in various disciplines.
Design 1 Studio, Industrial Product Design Studio
Head of the studio:
prof. ASP dr hab. Bogumiła Jóźwicka
Assistant: mgr Magdalena Nowak
Basics of Naval Architecture, Naval Architecture Design
Head of the studio: dr Paweł Gełesz
Assistant: mgr Krzysztof Bochra
Design 4 Studio, Serial Furniture Design Srudio
Head of the studio: prof. ASP dr hab. Marek Jóźwicki
Assistant: dr Anna Wachowicz
Design 6 Studio, Comprehensive Design Studio
Head of the studio: prof. ASP dr hab. Marek Średniawa
Assistant: dr Tomasz Kwiatkowski