Recruitment 2025

How, what and where?

If you want to put an information on the website:

  1. Prepare the content of the message, remember to provide basic information such as: title, first and last name (artist / speaker / etc.), place, address, duration, opening hours, starting hour (lecture / opening / etc.). A brief description of the event is also welcome.
  2. Prepare the graphics in .jpg or .png format
  3. Send the text and graphics to

If you want to order a graphic design:

  1. Fill out the appropriate form from the website (karta zlecenia projektu graficznego.pdf). Check if you filled it in correctly by consulting the Promotion Office (room 102).
  2. Get the approval of the Vice-Rector for Cooperation and Promotion and bring the signed form to the Promotion Office.
  3. Send the content and materials in the MS Word file within the time limit indicated in the instructions to BP to the following address:
  4. Implementation
  5. Collect and submit the project to the Academy of Fine Arts Library for archiving (in the case of publications, at least 7 copies in edition of up to 100, 22 copies in edition above 100 ). Also submit the project to the library in pdf format (


If you want to order a stamp:

  1. Send the content that should be on the stamp to the address
  2. Implementation.
  3. Collect the order in the Administrative Department.


If you want to order a business card:

  1. Fill out the appropriate form from the website (karta zlecenia projektu graficznego.pdf). Check if you have completed it correctly by consulting the Promotion Office (room 102).
  2. Get the approval of the Vice-Rector for Cooperation and Promotion
  3. Send the necessary content and materials in the MS Word file within the time limit indicated in the card to BP to the following address:
  4. Implementation.


Other orders for the Promotion Office:

  1. Fill out the appropriate form from the website (karta zlecenia projektu graficznego.pdf). Check if you have completed it correctly by consulting the Promotion Office (room 102).
  2. Get the approval of the Vice-Rector for Cooperation and Promotion
  3. Implementation.


If you want to rent multimedia equipment:

  1. Fill out the appropriate form from the website (karta zlecenia projektu graficznego.pdf). Check if you have completed it correctly by consulting the Promotion Office (room 102).
  2. Get the approval of the Promotion Office.
  3. Collect the equipment at the IT Office, submit the application for renting the equipment.
  4. If you want to postpone the date of returning the equipment, get the approval of the Promotion Office.
  5. Return the equipment at the latest on the last day you put on the application, otherwise the equipment may be dismantled by authorized persons.
  6. Inform about the return of equipment to the Promotion Office.
  7. Within 10 working days, the equipment will be checked for failures or damage that cannot be determined by visual inspection.


How to deal with the media at the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk?

As a state institution, we want and are obliged to provide information about our activities to all interested parties. At the same time, we want the ASP presence in the media to contribute to a coherent academy image. Therefore, we have prepared a short instruction that will improve the contacts of academy employees with journalists.

  • ASP employees – both lecturers and administration employees – are free to keep in touch with media representatives as far as their field of interest and professional work are concerned.
  • topics exceeding the competences of a given employee should be forwarded to the Promotion Office, which will coordinate further actions.
  • all contacts with media representatives regarding the academy should be reported directly to the Promotion Office. Date, time, purpose, as well as the name of the medium (TV station, radio station, newspaper, magazine, portal, etc.) of the visits should be given. This will enable following the fate of the publication and taking necessary actions.