Recruitment 2025

OPEN CALL for the artworks of EXCHANGE STUDENTS who are studying at ASP in Gdańsk in SUMMER SEMESTER 2022/2023

Theme of the exhibition: "Uncertainty"
Place:  Oliwski Ratusz Kultury, Gdańsk Oliwa, ul. Opata Jacka Rybińskiego 25
Dates: 5th June 2023 – 30 th June 2023 Vernisage: 5th June, Monday at 18.00
The works can be made: in every media (paintings, drawings, graphics, sculptures, multimedia presentations, animated movies, photographs, installation and other projects).
Every student can send one work or series of works.
 The full application should include:
-  photo/video documentation of the work, or its exact design/sketch (if it was to be a new project),
-  dimensions/duration of the work, 
- year of creation, 
- title,
- contact details
- a short explanation of how a given realization is part of the curatorial concept of the exhibition
 Please send  to the curator: till the 15th of May 2023
